Monday, August 24, 2009

Ooh, Matt told a fib

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The bills I’ve seen all phase-in in the future precisely in order to meet the goals of deficit neutrality without involving a mid-recession tax increase. Meanwhile, it seems extremely likely that the economy has already returned to growth. But evidently Lieberman’s been too busy talking to TV bookers to learn about the pending legislation.

Francois' response: Maybe it's not a fib, because it's unlike Matt to make shit up. But it's hard to believe that someone as well-informed as he is would believe that the bill phases in the changes in 2013 because they want to avoid a mid-recession tax increase. The purpose of having the bill take effect in 2013 is to muck around with the 10-year budget window, a point which Matt has posted about before, so he must know about it.

Also, I could be mistaken, but the revenue measures were supposed to take effect right away. It's the benefits that don't start until 2013. Otherwise, why would the CBO score a plan from 2009-2019 when not a single part of it even exists until 2013?

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