The NHS is developing a simple blood test that could save the lives of hundreds of unborn babies who are put at risk when doctors try to establish whether they are developing healthily in the womb, the Guardian has learned.
The test could put an end to the use of invasive procedures such as amniocentesis, which cause some women to miscarry.
Yes this seems like an interesting story about a potentially useful medical innovation. But the discerning reader will note that this is all allegedly happening in the United Kingdom, and funded by the National Health Service. The NHS, however, is a socialistic system and the UK a socialist land. And everybody knows that under socialized medicine, medical innovation will cease. Therefore, the story must be made up.
Francois' response: Critics of the NHS don't claim that medical innovation will cease, but that it would slow because the government can't create usable, safe drugs and treatments on its own. This is, as reported, a simple blood test. Which is great, and makes one wonder why no one else thought of it. But it's still simple and hard to screw up. Now if NHS cures Stephen Hawking's ALS, then they'll show me something. But I think it's safe to predict that the next big advance in treating ALS will originate right here in the US.
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